

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Seven Weeks

The economies of the world have essentially shut down since I posted in March about the Coronovirus pandemic sweeping the earth.  Society is stalled.  City streets are empty.  There are no sporting events or concerts.  No school. No church services (in churches).  Most businesses are working remotely.  Those that can operate remotely are shuttered, prompting protests against government closures and loss of jobs.

On March 2, 2020, this was the situation:

Now, 7 weeks later, the number of cases has grown more than 30 times, with the most cases and fifty thousand deaths right here in the US.

Most in the world are living behind the doors of their homes, venturing out only to collect food.  Store shelves are empty (photo evidence from my own neighborhood grocery below) as factories and distribution centers are closed. Millions are without jobs right here in the US.  And life as we know it has changed--perhaps forever.

How does a global society prepare for a pandemic?  Some liken it to the crisis that consumed the earth during World War 2.  How will we rebuild?  How can our economy recover?

There's hope that, as you see from the yellow line in the graph immediately above, the growth in the number of infected individuals is beginning to slow.  There's hope that we're "bending" the curve and seeing the beginning of the end.  There's hope.

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